HSIP: Bogard Rd at Engstrom Rd/Green Forest Dr Intersection Improvements Project No: CFHWY00453 Design is 75% complete and proposed improvements include: Realignment of Green Forest Drive A single lane roundabout at the intersection of Bogard Road with Engstrom Road/ Green Forest Drive Improved signing, lighting, and drainage AND For more information about the project visit: http://dot.alaska.gov/creg/bogard/ To contact the project team, email: BogardEngstrom@Kinneyeng.com PORTATION STATE Join the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) to learn more about the intersection safety improvements on Bogard Road at Engstrom Road and Green Forest Drive. PUBLIC FACILIS ALASKA. Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm (Stop by anytime!) Join us for an Open House Date: Thursday, October 13th Place: Pioneer Peak Elementary School 1959 N. Stringfield Rd, Palmer The DOT&PF operates Federal Programs without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Full Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy: dot.alaska.gov/tvi_statement.shtml. To file a complaint, go to: dot.alaska.gov/cvlrts/titlevi.shtml. The DOT&PF complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to participate in this public meeting should contact Joann Mitchell at (907) 344-7590 and TDD (711). Requests should be made at least 5 days before the accommodation is needed so arrangements can be made. The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by DOT&PF pursuant to 23 U.S.C 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated November 3, 2017, and executed by FHWA and DOT&PF. The proposed project will comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act; Executive Orders: 11990 (Wetlands Protection), 11988 (Floodplain Protection), 12898 (Environmental Justice), 11593 (Historic Preservation), 13084 (Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments), the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and U.S. DOT Act Section 4(f). HSIP : Bogard Rd at Engstrom Rd / Green Forest Dr Intersection Improvements Project No : CFHWY00453 Design is 75 % complete and proposed improvements include : Realignment of Green Forest Drive A single lane roundabout at the intersection of Bogard Road with Engstrom Road / Green Forest Drive Improved signing , lighting , and drainage AND For more information about the project visit : http://dot.alaska.gov/creg/bogard/ To contact the project team , email : BogardEngstrom@Kinneyeng.com PORTATION STATE Join the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities ( DOT & PF ) to learn more about the intersection safety improvements on Bogard Road at Engstrom Road and Green Forest Drive . PUBLIC FACILIS ALASKA . Time : 6:30 to 8:30 pm ( Stop by anytime ! ) Join us for an Open House Date : Thursday , October 13th Place : Pioneer Peak Elementary School 1959 N. Stringfield Rd , Palmer The DOT & PF operates Federal Programs without regard to race , color , national origin , sex , age , or disability . Full Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy : dot.alaska.gov/tvi_statement.shtml . To file a complaint , go to : dot.alaska.gov/cvlrts/titlevi.shtml . The DOT & PF complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids , services , and / or special modifications to participate in this public meeting should contact Joann Mitchell at ( 907 ) 344-7590 and TDD ( 711 ) . Requests should be made at least 5 days before the accommodation is needed so arrangements can be made . The environmental review , consultation , and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being , or have been , carried out by DOT & PF pursuant to 23 U.S.C 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated November 3 , 2017 , and executed by FHWA and DOT & PF . The proposed project will comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act ; Executive Orders : 11990 ( Wetlands Protection ) , 11988 ( Floodplain Protection ) , 12898 ( Environmental Justice ) , 11593 ( Historic Preservation ) , 13084 ( Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments ) , the Clean Air Act , Clean Water Act , Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act , and U.S. DOT Act Section 4 ( f ) .