VA ARTMENT OF VETERANS AND AFFAIL PUNTO TERRO U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Extension of VHA Claim and Appeal Filing Deadlines Ends On Monday, April 10, 2023, the President signed into law H.J. Res. 7 which terminated the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective June 9, 2023, claims for beneficiary travel reimbursement must be submitted within timelines in accordance with 38 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) $70.20. "A claimant must apply for payment of beneficiary travel within 30 calendar days after completing beneficiary travel that does not include a special mode of transportation." For more information please dial 907-257-4738. VA ARTMENT OF VETERANS AND AFFAIL PUNTO TERRO U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Extension of VHA Claim and Appeal Filing Deadlines Ends On Monday , April 10 , 2023 , the President signed into law H.J. Res . 7 which terminated the national emergency related to the COVID - 19 pandemic . Effective June 9 , 2023 , claims for beneficiary travel reimbursement must be submitted within timelines in accordance with 38 Code of Federal Regulations ( CFR ) $ 70.20 . " A claimant must apply for payment of beneficiary travel within 30 calendar days after completing beneficiary travel that does not include a special mode of transportation . " For more information please dial 907-257-4738 .