BODY PIERCING UNLIMITED TATTOO 10400 E. Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Palmer, Alaska 99645 (907) 746-7877 Piercings taken on a walk-in basis. Hours vary by location. Midtown(C St.): (907) 279-8287 Downtown (5th Ave): (907) 279-1300 Fairbanks: (907) 458-7464 Providing quality piercings and tattoos to our community since 2007. BODY PIERCING UNLIMITED TATTOO 10400 E. Palmer - Wasilla Hwy . Palmer , Alaska 99645 ( 907 ) 746-7877 Piercings taken on a walk - in basis . Hours vary by location . Midtown ( C St. ) : ( 907 ) 279-8287 Downtown ( 5th Ave ) : ( 907 ) 279-1300 Fairbanks : ( 907 ) 458-7464 Providing quality piercings and tattoos to our community since 2007 .